Kick It 3v3 Rules
The rules on this web page override rules printed elsewhere, and the tournament director has the right to change rules before the tournament starts and provide proper notification.
Teams consist of 3 players and up to 3 substitutes.
Each game is two 12-minute halves with no goalie
Each team plays a minimum of four games per tournament
Playing Field is 15-20 yards x 25-30 yards
Game Duration: Two 12 min halves or the first team to reach 12 goals
If a team reaches 12 goals, the game is officially over, meaning no additional scoring will count. However, play will continue until the two 12 min halves are complete. -
Substitutions: Unlimited for both teams at any stoppage, AFTER permission by referee
# of players on field: Maximum 3, Minimum of 2
DIRECT & INDIRECT KICKS: All dead-ball kicks (kick-ins, kick-offs, free kicks) are indirect with the exception of corner kicks and penalty kicks. Indirect kicks must only change position before the ball will be considered in play. Opposing team must give 10 feet of space from the ball if requested by a player or the referee. If a free kick is awarded within 5 feet of the opposing goal box, the ball will be moved back to five yards from the box. It is the referee’s discretion where the ball will be placed.
Kick off: Indirect kick
Goal Kick: Indirect kick; kicked from the endline, not the goal box
Corner Kick: Direct kick from the corner arc.
Throw-in? Kick ins are used, not throw-ins or dribble-ins. Indirect kick
Penalty Kick (PK) Awarded if a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction (the infraction does not automatically result in a red card). A PK is a DIRECT kick from the center of the midline with all players (on both teams) behind the midline. PKs are dead ball infractions. If goal is not scored, goal kick awarded.
10 Feet Rule: All restarts: defending players must be at least 10 Feet away from ball.
5 second rule: Play must be restarted within 5 seconds of the “all ready to play signal” from the referee, or it becomes a turnover to the opposing team at that same spot.
If a 5 second rule violation occurs on a goal kick, a corner kick is awarded. -
6 Goal differential rule: Team that is down by 6 goals or more may add a “4th player” to the field.
When goal differential drops to 5, play returns to 3v3 -
Heading: Per US Soccer, no intentional heading for teams U11 or younger. Indirect kick
Goal Scoring: A goal may only be scored from a touch (offensive or defensive) within the half of the field that the goal is located. The ball must be completely in that half of the field and cannot be touching the midline when it is last touched.
If a player in their defensive half kicks the ball across the midline and the ball then hits any another player, and then the ball goes in the goal, a goal is awarded.
If a ball is kicked from the defensive half of the field and is not touched before entering the goal, a goal kick is awarded.
The Goal Box: There is no ball contact allowed within the goal box, which includes its lines.
A goal is awarded if the defensive team touches the ball while either any part of the player or the ball is within the goal box.
A goal kick is awarded if the offensive team touches the ball while either any part of the player or the ball is within the goal box.
A goal kick is awarded if the ball stops within the goal box.
Note: Any player may enter/pass through the goal box as long as they do not touch the ball while in the box.
Plane of the Goal / Net Interference A goal is awarded if the ball strikes the goal’s netting and is then returned back into the field of play without completely crossing the goal line. In simple terms, the net should not prohibit a shot from fully entering the goal.
Misc. no goalkeepers, no off-side, no slide tackling;
sliding is allowed to save a ball from going out-of-bounds
Please review our complete set of tournament rules.